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Re: Not at all..
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Re: Not at all..

Okay but please don't believe everything the CDC or WHO has to say. You are suckling at the global government's teat when you do.

Not all conventional medicine is bad of course but these days it's profits first, health last. Consumables my friend, can't cure herpes, diabetes, whatever, they need you coming back every month buying their overpriced poison for the rest of your life.

Just look at the economy, if the bailout doesn't wake you up to the fact that we are nothing more than slaves then nothing will. They do not care about you.

Mercury in Vaccines: The Appalling Truth Revealed

Nothing could expose the truth about the drug industry's greed and selfishness more than this must-read Rolling Stone piece by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. He begins with a summary of a secret meeting held in the isolated Simpsonwood conference center in Norcross, Georgia ...

A Secluded Gathering

It was June 2000. A group of top government scientists and health officials -- including high-level officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the top vaccine specialists from the World Health Organization and representatives from every major vaccine manufacturer -- secretly gathered to discuss the use of a mercury-based preservative in vaccines, known as thimerosal.

It appeared a new study had raised questions about the safety of a host of common childhood vaccines that contained thimerosal. Data indicated that the toxic heavy metal appeared to be responsible for a drastic increase in autism and a mass of other neurological disorders (speech delays, attention-deficit disorder and hyperactivity) among children.

However, rather than taking immediate action to inform the public of the side effects of thimerosal-tainted vaccines and rid the vaccine supply of the toxin, the officials at the secluded meeting instead spent the majority of the next two days plotting how to cover up the troubling data.

In fact, many at the meeting were more concerned about the vaccine industry's bottom line.

Ditching the Evidence

The CDC worked hard at burying the unwanted data. Specifically:

The CDC paid the Institutes of Medicine to produce a new study that would debunk the link between thimerosal and brain disorders.

The organization also withheld unflattering findings by claiming the original data had been "lost" and could not be replicated.

And to prevent the Freedom of Information Act, the CDC handed its giant database of vaccine records over to a private company -- pronouncing it off-limits to researchers.

Help From the Government

Up until last year, vaccine manufacturers continued to sell off their mercury-based supplies; and, of course, the CDC and FDA were more than willing to offer a helping hand by buying up the toxic vaccines for export to developing countries (some of which are now experiencing a sudden explosion in autism rates) and allowing drug companies to still use the preservative in some American vaccines.

What's more, instead of focusing on child safety, the FDA continues to permit manufacturers to include thimerosal in numerous over-the-counter medications.

Kennedy's Take

Kennedy explains that in light of the evidence against the use of thimerosal in vaccines, he is undoubtedly convinced that the link and the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders are real.

Moreover, he describes the collaboration between the government health agencies and the drug industry a "chilling case study of institutional arrogance, power and greed."

Though, perhaps the most arresting aspect of the story is the extent to which many of the leading detectives were willing to go to hide the disturbing evidence. Consequently, their failure to admit the dangers of thimerosal will come back horribly to haunt America and the world's poorest populations.

And what will happen, Kennedy asks, if Third World nations come to believe the help they're receiving from this country, in the form of vaccines, is poisoning their children?

Let's hope we're not around to find out.



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