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Racism-Masking the Failure of Ideas...
  Views: 212
Published: 17 y

Racism-Masking the Failure of Ideas...

Blacks embrace victimhood in order to justify their lack of integrity and unresolved woundedness. They need blame to sustain their hurt.

Case in point. The multiple wifes, girlfriends and children they spawn. Rev Wright took on a mistress. Rev Jackson had his affair and baby. Both of these men are so called reverends but are just cheap womanizers. These stories are glossed over by the media but are examples of the lack of integrity and sleazy mindset that comes right from the top.

The leadership of the black community is engaged in politics of race and bigotry to create divisiveness. They label other people racists but this just makes them a failure.

Now Obama's campagn is fanning racism to gather votes. This is clearly going to backfire. Embracing victimhood they claim they are discriminated against. Contrast that to Asians that come to this country and excel, succeed and embrace the American spirit. They do not need the crutch of racism to rationalize failure.

They work hard and get ahead. They do not play victim. They do not attack America from the pulpit. They do not say they have never been proud to be Americans. They believe that they can do things here. They are willing to do whatever it takes to excel. They do not want hand outs. They do not whine. They are not wimps and weaklings.

Obama is clearly barking up the wrong tree. People do not want to vote for a weak spinelss politician. Contrast that to a self sufficient caribou hunter and fisherwoman who raised 5 kids, took on big oil, and became governor of a state larger than California and Texas put together! This is a person who is proud to be an American!

Obama is a pathetic character. Race baiting is vile and repulsive and indicates sleaze. Just say no to sleazoids. Just say NoBama.



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