16 y
Re: OT: attn: johng
Based on Newport and JAB's advice, I bought a F165 contact device/frequency generator. I have only used it for one week, so really am not qualified to say much about it, other than I am only beginning to learn how to use it. if you look at my posts in this forum for the past few weeks, you can see the decision process and factors that i considered. I looked at inversion therapy, and plan on giving that a try too... only so many hours in the day, and I do work long hours.
you question about whether your conditions are curable go to the heart of what i am struggling with. If you have been reading up on homeopathy, than you have come acress the concept of the miam, or taint. I certainly was born in a condition which apparently was less than optimal, but I do believe that these conditions can be reversed or at least ameliorated, but it is slow careful work. I truly skilled classical homeopath can help, but getting diet and supps right is also important. Things like Rife seem to be really supportive, if used correctly. I had a long talk yesterday with a new chiro/TCM practitioner that I will start seeing. In his view, he was concerned that I be very careful with attempting to kill parasites. He preferred the slow and steady approach over a rapid assualt, for fear that my already overburnded liver can't handle it.
I used to think that I could figure everything out myself, but the deeper i get into health issues, the more I see that we need to rely on those with the experience and knowledge to help. its very easy to delude ourselves into believing that whatever approach we are following "should" be good for us, when in fact, there are so many variables that it may not be so.
re the grey hair and weight... have you checked out,
a regular poster there has posted much info about grey hair and mineral deficiencies... can't remember was it copper, manganese? one of those. but again, simply supplementing may miss the real problem. not sure. My wife recently lost a good amount of weight by simply doing a candida cleanse (candidase) and avoiding too many carbs. it worked fast for her.