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Re: Mpdela..starting tmau treatment...
mpdela Views: 12,839
Published: 17 y
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Re: Mpdela..starting tmau treatment...

Hi jvizme,

I remember you now, CONGRATS ON YOUR TWINS!  I'm so happy for you.  You must definitely have your hands full :)  IT'S YOUR TURN TO GET NURTURED NOW :)) 

I'll be happy to email you and anyone else interested in a low choline/low protein diet a list of foods and their choline content that I hope will be helpful to you.  Just email me your request at and I'll send them to you as attachments.  Many people have told me that they find it helpful.  I believe that all those fruits you are referring to are very good.  You can expand your diet significantly, and these articles that I can send you as attachments will help you create your own diet according to your taste preferences.

Remember that you still need to consume some choline in your diet for your own nervous system and to prevent hair loss.  I can also email you an article that addresses this need.  You can make yourself a good size egg-WHITE omlettes for a good source of protein, for example, especially if you are working out and need extra energy as well.

Yes, my son still takes his Vitamin B2 and a multiple vitamin complex.  Just read the content noted on the bottle because some of the Vit B complex include choline (usually Vit B50)

Let me know how you're coming along in this effort.  All my love to you and your babies.





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