Here's a thought about America's great firms that I've held for decades now.
And I believe it to be true. I've met a whole lot of rich, CEO types in my day. Hubba, hubba. Not really impressed by their common sense...just their ambition. And these captains of industry have all gotten to the top by stepping on toes, by doing whatever it takes to win. To sum it up: I don't trust a one company's accounting books from Coca Cola to Proctor & Gamble! They all lie. They all make up numbers. And America's WallStreet woes are just beginning. WallStreet itself is built upon a foundation without mortar. Every institution up and down New York City is fabricated on it's financial strength and saavy. It's a ruse, a big ponzi scheme, a house of cards where all the players pray to God that no one pulls the bottom card. What's the childhood game, Jenga? Where you pull the wooden blocks from the tower in an attempt to keep it straight and true? I have intimate knowledge of the mortgage game...and we all knew how very weak Countrywide, and New Century Mortgage and all the others were. Weak. Numbers faked to shareholders. Lehman fabricated numbers for years, ladies and gentlemen. So did Bear. They all do. It's like when you buy something for more than you really want known to your friends, so when asked, you lie. It's automatic. It's ok for you to know how much your overpaid but don't let your friends know that you're a suc***. Every product manufacturer lies in sales counts, in net profits, in everything...all in an all out effort to make company goals and pay the top chieftains their cut. I worked for a leading, major newspaper back in the 1990's, and I went directly to the circulaton manager in need of an accurate circulation count to give my advertisers. The printed circulation differed greatly with what he told me was the actual circulation. That's America. YOu will now witness a long, long, long line of companies wanting taxpayer handouts. I'm out of this market, have been for half a year now, and resting comfortably on the sidelines while the market, and your 401K's, take a 30% overall dive. It takes a lot of years to recover 30% losses. America, in a sense, has been built...on lies. Don't get mad at me for being the Town Crier. It's time we all came to realize it and admit it out in public for all to hear. We can continue on, and will, but never underestimate the power of greed in our system of capitalism. Capitalism will ALWAYS be driven by greed.