Vaccines: To Heal or Not to Heal
Vaccinations are touted as the public health preventive measure of choice - the must-do in preventive medicine. There is little or no surveillance once a vaccine has hit the market, particularly for the vaccines that were introduced decades ago. And there is reason to believe that much of the touted success of vaccines is due to tricking the statistics and to independent external factors such as better hygiene.
Yet, with all that preventive fervor, our health keeps deteriorating. Autism is on the rise, so are cancer and heart disease and a number of other illnesses that should, if we logically look at it, be possible to prevent.
While there is much evidence that nutrients are needed for prevention of illness, the emphasis of pharmaceutically controlled medicine and public health authorities remains firmly fixed on toxic pharmaceuticals, both in prevention and cure. The trend is rising. Having saturated the "markets" of the industrialized nations, a great push is on to extend the saving grace of our brand of medicine to developing countries.
Vaccine victim and health campaigner Jagannath Chatterjee describes what is happening in India, how in a rather mindless way the "preventive" procedures of Western medicine are being put into effect there. His descriiption is quite representative for what is happening in a number of developing countries, and he asks some pertinent questions........................