And geez, we have "known" (and I use the term very loosely here) Ms. Palin for what, 2 weeks? What "proof" has she given you? If her love of Christ is all the proof you need that somebody is qualified to run this freakin' mess of a country (and her fellow repubs have done just a SUPER job the past 8 years) then why not grab just anyone sitting in a pew at your church to do the job!?! And for goodness sake - we all know by now that Obama has NOTHING to do with Islam, but you gotta go and stick the name "Hussein" in there just to make your false point. The only thing many seem to care about is whether or not she is for God and guns, and against abortion. As long as those bases are covered, who cares about anything else? The economy? Tanking as we post? Who cares! Global warming? Who cares! Our stand in the world at large? Nope, don't give a hoot. Healthcare? Who needs that?!? Somone who knows what the Bush Doctrine is? Oh, Bush Smush. . . . but she loves guns and god so we'll be all cool if McCain kicks the ole bucket. . I'm NOT buying into this fiasco.