17 y
hang in there!
If you're that bad, please take the isocort. It's mild and it will help you. It's a mild hormone, maybe even milder than pregnenolone and DHEA.
Pregnenolone is sold everywhere, usually even in the local drug store vitamin section, and it's not expensive. I get it at the vitamin supplement store cheaper. But pregnenolone is harder for your body to assimilate. Most doctors say we don't.
DHEA may help you more. When I was young pregnenolone did nothing for me but a tiny bit of DHEA was magic. I called it my happy pill and took it for 10 years before my period and it got rid of PMS and migraines.
I read that lymes disease causes anxiety on top of the fatigue. I'm not educated on that illness, but if I were you I would be. It sounds like you may be suffering from that still.
Another thing that really helped me get over the guilt of hurting my children by my ignorance was reading Dr. Brian Weis's books (he was on Oprah 4X) on reincarnation and Dr. Michael Newton's book "Journey of Souls". Your daughter chose to come here to you at this time and it's all good. Watch "What the BLEEP? Down the Rabbit hole" while you're lying around and you'll see how science proves God is everywhere and we all create our own reality.