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Re: The mad CERN’s project. This week's startup of Europe's Large Hadron Collider didn't generate a big bang or a black hole, but it did generate a big reaction from folks who followed our series on the "Big Bang Machine." More than 40,000 people voiced their opinion by clicking throug...
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Published: 17 y
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Re: The mad CERN’s project. This week's startup of Europe's Large Hadron Collider didn't generate a big bang or a black hole, but it did generate a big reaction from folks who followed our series on the "Big Bang Machine." More than 40,000 people voiced their opinion by clicking throug...

Somebody wrote to me:
“You haven't completely understood what happens in those accelerators.

They do not smash atoms and elementary particles to see what's inside of them (like you proposed in your "smashing a watch" example). We already know what is in a proton, for example. It's quarks by the way.
What they try to do is create an environment where a collision between particles will occur, creating massive amounts of energy. That energy will CREATE new particles out of nothing, according to the E=mc^2 formula. Because of the amount of the energy in that accelerator, it has been speculated that the higgs boson will come into existence.
The higgs boson is the only particle predicted by the standard model (physics) which has not yet been observed.
I hope my answer has helped you, and i wish you have an open mind in your searches, best wishes “
Once again:
That energy will CREATE new particles out of nothing,
according to the E=mc^2 formula.
So, the process is going in Vacuum.
My question is: “ How in Vacuum ( without accelerators) the
God-particles are born according to the E=mc^2 formula, of course ? “


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