Bath in bloods--cauchy3
Bath in bloods…
Juices are merits all or faults are venoms.
Prizes or stakes and maker does are means at hands.
There are throngs and where are none.
There are clouds and where are breezes.
Coming theaters got theatric venues.
Clear to break are all by blows as kingships.
Great to serve mankind are measures.
Baths in bloods are measures.
Round it off as successes all a careerism.
All remain true to false are poor.
All remain clean to visions get our scopes.
Either gains or losses are seeking.
Change in all a sudden all are morals.’
Limited looks our kings will show their honors.
Pull the wools to cover public eyes are deeds.
Worth the papers written all as bills are smoothies.
Tight as drums is drum up killing powers.
Lifelong regents mean to last as until death.
Let as rotated another after steps.
Bath in bloods employs a under unit to keep the peace.
Carry not as usual seeking gods in grace our ways.
More and once confine the good to jails because of words and ideas.
Things remind our people all are owners.
64-death as pupil bath in bloods is sorrows.
Judge our bloods by deeds and looks.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------