Re: UT and dehydration
Hi Sofia, I am like you I almost like the urine better than water. My urine was always more acid than yours. I started taking 1 Alka Seltzer Gold at night and that changed my urine alkaline. The Gold has a combo of sodium/potassium bicarbonates, read this on the forum under Dr.Clarks book under pH balancing. Last night I changed to 1/2 tablet, she says to have it around 6 in the morning, that means that your body was able to get enough acids out during the night.With 1 tablet it was more like 7.
I spent all this time reading old messages and I was sure I had made notes where to find the info.I must have forgotten, annoying, so now I have to look for them all over again.
Besides the test strips it also said to start drinking less urine, what you and I don't do. So when I find it back I will post them.
I always have used the Celtic
Seasalt or the Himalayan every day for the minerals.
I put it on my salads too. Use enough before and after liverflushing too. I also put a pinch of
Epsom Salts (magnesium) on my salads.
Right now I am using 2 capsules of
Oxypowder daily, spread out over the day. I do this for the oxygen, but that is an whole different story.
About 2 weeks ago I started the Water of Life from Wateroz to make sure I get enough minerals. I am like you it has to be simple, no molasses mixture for me.
I know about the sole, some day I will get to it, I have been reading up on oxygen right now.