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Re: Third day of Humaworm - high hopes and a question
healthybyfaith Views: 1,764
Published: 17 y
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Re: Third day of Humaworm - high hopes and a question

hi namaka. i'm sorry that the epsom is not helping. you might keep trying that though. i have read on other forums that the body will absorb the magnesium in the epsom when their body is deficient and thus not work as a laxative. try again but at a larger dose. drink a lot of water. psyllium also worked for me but you really should double your water intake if you do that.

RG, the owner of humaworm said NOT to take iodine during the humaworm. the black walnut has a lot of iodine in it. we had taken iodine with humaworm on our 2nd cleanse and the die off was unbearable. it flattened my husband. wait until you're done.

liver flushing is also awesome! read fledgling's recent thread about her experience. BUT, wait until a week after humaworm to do the plain liver flush. the herbs will keep working to kill the nasties powerfully for another week- and beyond. you don't want to flush them out. RG says to wait a week.

we just finished our 3rd humaworm cleanse and i tried the virgin coconut oil fast during the last week. i only lasted three days and not the 7 recommended but it really addressed the psoriasis on my elbows. it also seemed to pull fungus from my feet. i didn't even know i had foot fungus!!!

check out the virgin coconut oil forum. also the moreless forum. they have some really interesting theories and great testimonies from people who have addressed improper ph balance in their bodies. this is a great time for you to read through other forums on curezone.

hope you feel much better soon.


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