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Re: Head lice getting resistant
dragnfly2 Views: 1,439
Published: 17 y
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Re: Head lice getting resistant

lice are sneaky little bugs. my kids got it from school last year. couldnt get rid of them permanently until school got out because other parents do not check their children. i tried EVERYTHING to get rid of them. the pesticide shampoos are expensive and dont work. i finally came up with my own very effective treatment and its not dangerous chemicals. i apply Dawn dishsoap to dry hair, leave it on for 15 minutes. rinse out, blow dry hair, then apply the 99 cent african hair oil and comb out the nits with a lice comb. my two year old wouldnt sit still long enough to comb through her hair but the dawn dishsoap dried out the nits and killed the lice. has worked everytime for me!! and it costs me $2.29 to treat my whole family. of course i vacuum like crazy. i usually have my kids wash their hair three days in a row with dawn dishsoap just to be safe. i figure if dawn is safe enough to get the oil off baby ducks then it must be safe enough for my kids.


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