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Re: Deleted messages?
  Views: 1,515
Published: 17 y
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Re: Deleted messages?

Don't think I am coming down harshly on you or singling you out. I actually didn't read the whole thread - I saw that someone had hit the bad alert button for your post, read it, and agreed that it wasn't really necessary. I have since read the whole thread and I see that a number of other posters put up "joke" posts. To me their's were much more obviously jokes. You said :

"Both parts of my answer are legitimate"

While I agree that the second part of your post was obviously a joke, the first part,

"As far as your question goes, you can reduce sexual urges by making sure you get plenty of it. Your body will recognize the abundance and won't act like there's a famine."

is very hard to tell whether you are being serious or not. It certainly is not valid. It is like trying to tell someone with bad nicotine cravings to smoke more cigarettes or someone with bad Sugar cravings to consume more sugar. People might take your advice as serious. I still don't know whether this part of your post was serious or not. It is extremely interesting to note that the thread below this one in question is about how to get rid of Sugar cravings. If you look you will see that all of the answers were extremey well thought out and well meaning. I guess the sex issue brings out the joker in everyone.



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