17 y
And for the day...
I'm reading how
Dr. Schulze healed his burned to black toast hand and his blown out knee by adding BF&C to his IP protocol along with a deep tissue oil he created. He was willing to experiment with stuff, and I got to thinking.
The dystrophy in my body is located mostly from my shoulders (deltoids) and shoulder blades (scapula) down into my biceps, and in my lower back, abs, hips, gluts, quads, hams, and adductors. It's in a few other isolated areas, but these are the main affected muscles. I'm thinking maybe I could make a "goop" of BF&C powder, wheat germ oil, honey, and aloe vera, and smear it on my muscles. Maybe I could add some cayenne powder, ginger, and mustard to it to make it hotter. Then maybe I could take a cotton towel, soak it in hot BF&C tea, and put that towel over the goop as a hot compress. Maybe I could have that going on when I'm sitting down doing something during the day.
I'll play around with it and let you know.