Re: Cat's Claw to Kill Lyme Foot Spa to Detox Program worked for me
It has been 10 days since the end of the program and I've still got as much energy! I still have no Brain Fog. Memories are flooding back from youth and High School. My thoughts are clear. I do not anger easy. I am loving life.
My body is healing. I hope it lasts.
More really good news is the unexpected results:
My eyes are not puffy when I wake up, no super dark circles to cover
My body is only letting me get 6 hours of sleep
The bottoms of my feet are not sore
My digestion is good. I've been having 2 BMs a day
I've lost 3 lbs
My skin and face are looking younger
My body seems to be reshaping
My nails are growing
My knees do not snap crackle pop
My temperature is 98.5 (for 20 years 97.2)
My blood pressure is high 128 / 78 (I need to lower the amount of saltwater I drink or change the concentration per bottle of 16.9oz water to 1 teaspoon instead of 3.
My hair is silky and I don't see as much gray
My sinus' are clear, must be the the Bromelain
My creativity and organization is returning
I have seen my naturo therapist and he has ordered blood tests to lower my thyroid dose if the results come back high.
Maintenance Program
Amour Thyroid 60mg - 2 grains
Himalayan Crystal Salt SOLE American BlueGreen LLC - 3 tps in 16.9
oz spring water
Memoprove, MemoMind Pharma Inc 90mg Peptones
Rocket Shot Berry Blast Premier - B Vitamins 130mg Caffeine Anhydride, L-Taurine, Inositol
B-1, Weis, 100mg, Thamin 100mg - 1 pill
Saventaro Samento Max-Strength Cat's Claw 20mg, Enzymatic - 1 capsule
Bromelain 500mg, Country Life 1 tablet
Oreganol P73 Oil of Oregano Wild non-GMO 50mg 2 drops under tounge
Aloe Ease Colon & Body Cleanse, Aloe Ease Colon & Body Cleanse, New Vitality - 2 heaping tsps if needed
B-1, Weis, 100mg, Thamin 100mg - 1 pill
Pre-Dex Vein Formula, CPMC, LLC - Diosmin95 - 1 pill
Biotin 5000mcg Super Potency Rexall Naturals Rapid Release Capsules 1 capsule
FiberCon, Calcium polycarbophil 625mg - 1 tablet
Omega3, Omega Essentials, Life Guard Health, EPA 280mg, DHA 280mg, other Omega-3s107mg - 1 softgel
Probioplus DDS Probiotics, 10 Billion CFU/g, UAS Laboratories NAHS Company - 1 capsule
Magnesesium Caps 300mg, Country Life - Magnesesium (as oxide-600mg, Horsetail (leaf/stem) - 86mg x 2 capsules
Tonalin Conjugated Linoleic Acid 1000mg, Vitamin World - Tonalin Safflower Oil x 2 softgels
B-1, Weis, 100mg, Thamin 100mg - 1 pill
Oreganol P73 Oil of Oregano Wild non-GMO 50mg 2 drops under tounge
Omega3, Omega Essentials, Life Guard Health, EPA 280mg, DHA 280mg, other Omega-3s107mg - 1 softgel
Co Q-10 100mg, Spring Valley - Vit E 5IU, Q-Sorb Coenzyme 100mg - 1 softgel
L-Carnitine 500mg, Rexall Naturals - 1 caplet
Biotin 5000mcg Super Potency Rexall Naturals Rapid Release Capsules 1 capsule
FiberCon, Calcium polycarbophil 625mg - 1 tablet
BioEnergiser Detox Foot Spa, Global TV Concepts,
ordered from if needed
1/2 Bag
Epsom Salts and 1/2 sm. box Baking Soda Detox Bath if needed
ZICAM Cold Remedy, Zicam LLC Phoenix, AZ if needed
Back2:00 Sleep Fast Acting Drops, Tridea Products, LLC if needed