Hearing loss & causes
I have recently been diagnosed with hearing loss in my left ear (right ear has perfect hearing). It was accidently found when I self referred myself to a Ear Nose Throat specialist with problems with my ear.
I have had my left ear;
*Swelling on the outside (7 years ago) like a large old blood blister between the face and the ear - anitbiotics did NOT remove this. It eventually went away.
*Spontanious bleeding for the last 6 years.
*Ear infection (left only) for past 3 years
*Ringing for the last year or so (left only)
*Sensitive to chew, swallow (left ear only).
I had a comprehensive hearing tes; testing the pressure, etc and nothing other than a hearing loss in my left ear was found. They discovered that the hearing loss is abnormal - as only the high and low tones are gone. I presently have the loan of a trial hearing aid for 1 week - and it is amazing what I have been missing for (I don't know how long).
Possible causes which have been investigated;
*TMJ - this was negative cause
*Abnormal physical charatastics (bony or suchlike) - nil damage found
*Brain damage - nil damage found.
*Tumors or suchlike - nil found.
At this stage the specialists believe that the hearing loss is due to significant head injuries - and I have had over 6 major head traumas!
So they are going to send me to a Neuro specialist for a diagnosis.
As was explained to me, a head trauma shocks/bumps the brain around and the more concussions/head trauma/injuries one suffers increases the possibility of damage, either structual or neurological.
Since there is an obvious hearing loss and nothing conclusive found on the MIR I understand that the 'wiring' of the brain could have been compromised where my hearing is concerned.
The other possibility is environment;
Either fillings (mercury) or some other influence has done nerological damage.
As I am still in the searching stage, I hope this may help others, and that someone may be able to help me. It would be good to communicate with others whom are also going through the same/similar.