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Three quick questions
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Three quick questions

Who do you think controls US oil prices?

In what ways/how will McCain's economic policies save the US (with ripple effect globally) economy/dollar/bansk/stock market, etc.?

How are McCain's projected economic policies any different from GWBs?

I do not argue that Obama is a communist... I'd call him a socialist, but I understand what you mean. My point of debate is establishing the conservatism of John McCain. I do not believe McCain is a changed man. I believe he will kowtow to what I think you might call the American and global corporate elite and the "international community." I think the US Federal Government, Inc., will continue to have fascist leanings, if we aren't already all the way there.

If you can prove that McCain's fiscal/economic policies will, indeed, pull the US dollar out of freefall, bring the unemployment rate back down to "historic lows" (whatever historic low you want), bring the Dow and FTSE back up to acceptable levels, pay off the $9 trillion in debt quickly, stop the Federal Reserve from printing and flooding money into the market as fast as the printing machines can roll out the paper, win back the confidence of our major debt holders globally, quit bailing out corporate fraudsters, get us out of unnecessary wars, and keep us from provoking Russia, I'll vote for him.



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