Re: Decongesting the liver..a long process??
I stopped counting after my 356th flush.
Yeah, I know what Moritz says and I started flushing long before his book came out. He's simply wrong about quite a few things in there.
It all depends on how far south your healty has gone and how long it's been that far south.
The "terminal" have been sick for a long, long time so it takes more than a few flushes and considerably more antiparasite product to get them back. Plus once the bugs are gone and the liver fully on line the colon has to be resurected.
If you're in your 30's it shouldn't take that long. 40's a little longer, 50's a little longer, 60's a little longer. So learn this material while in your teens and 20's and you'll save yourself a lifetime of misery.
I picked up the parasites and Agent Orange over a two month period in the jungle north of Saigon in Dec 1970 and January 1971. Within a year I was sick and nobody had a clue what it was. The Agent Orange debacle surfaced in the mid 80's but still nobody knew how to treat it or get rid of it. They didn't admit the parasite connection until last year (07). And the anti-parasite programs didn't surface until Clarks book "The Cure for all Cancer" in 1993. So from 1971 to 1994 when I read Clarks book we had no idea how to even get rid of Agent Orange or parasites. I started appying Clarks work in January 1995. Before that I had tried everything known to man. Fasting, juicing, raw food, Vegetarian, high priotein - everything. I was still sick and getting worse and knew I was dying.
Length of time having the poisons and parasites determins how long it will take to return to normal. And how much anti-paraite product you'll need and how many liver flushes you'll need. Even though I discovered Clark in Dec 94 and started her protocols in Jan 95 I had no idea how bad it was. No one did. Finally in Sept 97 after 2 1/2 years of chasing these bugs around I tripled and quadrupled the dosages and eliminated 22 pounds of parasites in three months. Went from 183 to 161 in three months.
No, I didn't believe what came out of me, but I had those parasites for 27 years at the time. It took a hell of a lot more Antiparasite product than the suggested regular dosages called for to get rid of them. Which I'm finding with anyone that has been sick for an extended length of time. It takes more than recommended. We're NOT dealing with the aches and pains of life here. Not chasing symptoms around.
Then in 98 my liver started to congest all the time. Why??? All the garbage the paarsites left behind now had to come out. When the lymphatic debris would get to the liver it would immediatly clog it up, and I was dumping great volumes of the stuff, 27 years worth. That takes more than 7-8 flushes. And again that's what I've seen with anyone that has been wrestling with ill health for any length of time.
Now, If you've only been sick for a few years - fine 7-8 flushes with a preceeding antiparasite program will probably do the trick. But my efforts have been toward the "terminal" and seriously ill folks. I know what it's like to be that sick and its scary and not a fun palce to be at all. Living on death doorstep is NOT fun.
I developed the Natural Healing Paradigm to set the rules for health and give the roadmap to get your health back. And it works.
So, the volume of antiparaite products and number of flushes necessary is determined by how long you've been sick. Which in turn is determined by how old you are when you discover these truths and start applying them.
Moritz is on the right path but there's quite a bit more to it for the terminal or seriously ill.