Re: Nutrition based on your DNA
The FDA not only now recognizes the importance of
created the Division of Personalized Nutrition and
Quoting from Dr. Jim Kaput's newsletter,
"In October 2006, the FDA/National Center for Toxicological Research in
Jefferson, Arkansas, created the Division of Personalized Nutrition and
Medicine. This was in my view, a quite remarkable event ˆ the U.S.
government not only acknowledging the importance of personalization but
including nutrition with medicine. In the summer of this year, I was offered and
accepted the position of Director of that new division.
The NCTR and FDA announcement written by the NCTR Director (Bill Slikker)
is included below. In addition to the information about the new position at
NCTR, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (a cabinet level position)
published a report in September of this year entitled Personalized Health Care:
Opportunities, Pathways, Resources (for free download, see
That report describes
the importance and proposed paths to develop personalized health care, and
includes discussions about genes and environment (including diet). In addition,
the report describes the granting opportunities and resources for research in
this area. Although the NIH and other agencies have been slowly increasing
funding for nutrient (and environment) ˆ gene interactions, the creation of a
research division for personalized nutrition and medicine and the public
discussion of personalizing health care demonstrate the recognition of the
importance of this type of research."
Dr. Jim Kaput has been a leader in Nutrigenomics at UC Davis and headed the
recent conference on Nutrigenomics. Dr. Kaput is very supportive of the
interaction of nutrients and genes to say the least.