I took the liqui daily oxy aloe for a little over a week and because my immune system was already compromised due to yeast overgrowth and adrenal inuffciency; this supplement I believe contributed to a bad eye infection. Food grade hydrogen perioxide damages the mucus membranes in the human body and this product is not good for all people - so be warned. I am now trying to build my immune system up with echanicea and elderbery tinctures to get rid of the infection. I spoke with Dr. Whiting over the phone yesterday and he said that the product would eliminate all good and bad bacteria in ones system. It is not a wise thing to have your good bacteria weakened; especially someone who is already dealing with a compromised immune system! Just thought I would share my experiences with this particular product. I am glad that I didn't buy the complete 8 bottle program, but just purchased one bottle at a local Curves. Also urine therapy users beware as hydrogen perioxide probably interferes with that too; as I was doing my urine therapy along with the liqui daily oxy aloe and it was not helping like it was before. Thank God I stopped yesterday and I hope that I didn't do too much unecessary damage!