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Re: What the fk are you talking about??? The WAR is OVER.
chris10 Views: 772
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 1,253,710

Re: What the fk are you talking about??? The WAR is OVER.

Every day I read many stories in the L.A. Times and NY Times that would not please the corporations so the elite rich don't have the media control you suggest. Yesterday the front page of the L.A. Times featured a story about the the fact that one CT scan has as much radiation as 100 chest x-rays and that 65 million of these scans are done in the U.S a year ,causing millions of cancer deaths from radiation , costing the public a fortune and being fairly useless in treating and diagnosing disease.One in five people has a ct scan a year and they pay for many mansions and fancy cars for doctors so the medical industry doesn't want this story told.


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