IP Intinerary: Physical Exercise
Dear truth seekers,
Exercise? For the dystrophy patient? Just watch Ryan Levinson and hush. Now I'm not telling you you need to be a triathlete. But wouldn't that be awesome? Just start moving something every day.
What I'm starting out with is some stretching and bodyweight training with yoga, and the
Couch to 5K program. Once I build my confidence and strength to do these things, I'd like to do some cycling. I was into distance cycling when I was a hippie college student. Now I can't even keep my balance on a bike.
Just start slow and do something. Our goal is to move and work up a good sweat for an hour every day. Schedule it in or you won't do it.
6:00 AM Rise and shine! Go to the bathroom, brush teeth with non-flouridated toothpaste
6:05 Hot and cold shower for 15 minutes ending with hot, do personal grooming while in the shower, think loving thoughts toward your body
6:25 Do a rotation of three oils (two days castor, two days olive, two days coconut), massaging these oils into as much of your body as possible. Dress in a swimsuit and cover up for suntanning later. Clean the bathroom, strip the sheets, and remake the bed with a plastic drop cloth underneath the sheets to protect the mattress. Head to the laundry room with a basket of dirty clothes and sheets. Start the washer.
7:00 Make and drink liver/gallbladder or kidney/bladder flush
7:15 Morning quiet time, Bible study, prayer
7:45 2 cups liver tea with 2 droppers liver tonic OR 2 cups kidney tea with 2 droppers kidney tonic
8:00 Juice with cayenne, children make & eat breakfast, and do morning chores.
8:30 1 teaspoon Intestinal Formula #2 in 6-8
oz distilled water, 1 teaspoon activated charcoal in 6-8
oz distilled water, followed by 8
ounces distilled water. Do yoga stretches and morning meditations.
9:00 Make and drink Super Smoothie. Prepare and administer a coffee enema. Yee haw!
10:00 Juice with 2 droppers blood tonic, on kidney week add 2 droppers Echinacea tincture
10:30 One cup BF&C tea
11:00 Juice with cayenne
11:30 1 teaspoon IF #2 in 6-8
oz distilled water, 1 teaspoon activated charcoal in 6-8 oz distilled water, followed by 8
ounces distilled water
12:00 Potassium Broth with cayenne and Himalayan salt, children make & eat lunch
12:30 Clean kitchen & shine sink
1:00 Make and drink Super Smoothie
1:30 2 cups liver tea with 2 droppers liver tonic OR 2 cups kidney tea with 2 droppers kidney tonic
2:00 Juice with 2 droppers blood tonic, on kidney week add 2 droppers Echinacea tonic
2:30 1 teaspoon IF #2 in 6-8 oz distilled water, 1 teaspoon activated charcoal in 6-8 oz distilled water, followed by 8
ounces distilled water
3:00 Juice with cayenne
3:30 One cup of BF&C tea
4:00 Juice with cayenne. Walk/run on the track according to the
Couch to 5K program.
5:00 Super Smoothie, make dinner for the family
5:30 1 teaspoon IF #2 in 6-8 oz distilled water, 1 teaspoon activated charcoal in 6-8 oz distilled water, followed by 8 ounces distilled water
6:00 Potassium Broth with cayenne and Himalayan salt, however many capsules Intestinal Formula #1 you need, family dinner time
6:30 One cup BF&C tea, clean kitchen & shine sink
7:00 Juice with 2 droppers blood tonic,on kidney week add 2 droppers Echinacea tincture, make tomorrow's juice. Peel and add 8-12 large raw garlic cloves to the juice, any way you want.
7:30 2 cups liver tea with 2 droppers liver tonic OR 2 cups kidney tea with 2 droppers kidney tonic, continue
juicing :-) Clean juicer when done.
8:00 Juice with cayenne. Sunday and Wednesday night: make potassium broth to last three days. On other nights do evening yoga and meditations.
8:20 1 teaspoon IF #2 in 6-8 oz distilled water, 1 teaspoon activated charcoal in 6-8 oz distilled water, followed by 8 ounces distilled water. On Saturday nights, prepare for the Cold Sheet Treatment. On other nights, prepare (soak) teas and tinctures for tomorrow.
8:45 Potassium Broth with cayenne and Himalayan salt.
8:50 Prepare and administer a high enema with either an aloe vera or wheatgrass implant afterwards on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights. Do the Cold Sheet Treatment high enema followed by the garlic injection on Saturday nights.
9:40 Juice with 2 droppers blood tonic, on kidney week add 2 droppers Echinacea tincture.
9:45 Take a 15 minute hot and cold shower.
10:05 Make BF&C tea ball Monday-Friday nights and start BF&C hot herbal bath.
10:10 Dry skin brush your skin with a natural bristle brush for about 5 minutes while the tub is filling. Add one small bottle hydrogen peroxide to the bath water. Light aromatherapy candles. Grab Ipod or CD player with earphones.
10:20 Enjoy a hot soak for 20-30 minutes. Release all the tensions of the day. :-) Make sure your shoulders ger covered and you soak your head for a bit. Set a timer because you're not going to want to get out. :-)
10:40 Prepare a BF&C herbal fomentation and apply it.
10:45 Prepare a castor oil pack and apply it.
10:50 Breathe deeply and imagine being well and what that feels like. :-) Set your alarm clock, open the bedroom window a crack to let fresh air in during the night, take two droppers (or more) of Nerve Sedative for sleep and to reduce muscle cramps and pain as needed. Meditate on scriipture as you fall asleep.
On Saturday nights, do the complete Cold Sheet Treatment.
11:00 PM Good night! Sleep well! You did a great job today!
Woo! Now we're talking Incurables Party! lol
Big hugs,