Anyone tried UT on their dog? I have been giving some to my dog without much success. He is a 12 year old lab. Very strong and fit and I have had him on raw meat diet since he was 7 (thanks to information from shirley at http://www.shirleys wellness cafe) . He had mange when he was young and was left with a fungal skin complaint which I keep under control with an anti-fungal wash.
To begin with I mixed a small amount of my urine with milk and gave it to him. Then I thought milk was probably not a good thing so I mixed it with meat/fish stock. He was quite alarmingly keen to drink it. No real improvement . Now I am rubbing urine into his skin. Who says you don’t smell it?? The smell is worse on his hair but if the weather is fine and he can dry for several hours in the sun by the end of the day the smell has gone. I gave him his own urine for 3 days but it was tricky to obtain (his foot went in the bowl!) and was it a coincidence that his skin became worse? Do animals get die-off?