IP Intinerary: High enemas
OK lovers and friends,
Now we start getting into the fun stuff... as if kicking in our faces every day with cayenne wasn't fun enough... lol
Every other night (or day) we're going to do a high enema. I'll try to explain how to do one as best as I can.
You will need some bath towels to put on the floor of your bathroom where the toilet is. You will need a portable heater and an extension cord if you don't have an electric socket where your toilet is. You will need a blanket and a pillow, because you are going to be lying on the floor for a while and you want to be as relaxed as possible. You might like those aromatherapy candles going.
You'll need an enema bag or bucket, with the accompanying hose and nozzle on the end of it. You will need a small bottle of olive oil with which to lubricate the applicator nozzle and your rear end. You will need about a gallon of distilled water, and you'll need an implant for afterwards. I'm planning on using 8
oz. aloe vera gel and 8
oz. water, but 2
oz. wheatgrass juice in 16 oz. distilled water is good if you want something detoxifying.
Honestly, it's so much easier to do a high enema if you have a friend you are very comfortable with and is into health to help you. We don't always get that. If you don't have anybody to help you, then use an enema bucket. Put the bucket on the edge of the bathtub and your towels next to the bathtub. Put everything you need right next to you so you don't keep having to get up.
You get undressed, and lie down on your left side. You lubricate the nozzle and your bottom with olive oil. You insert the nozzle of the enema hose into your bottom and slowly release the valve. You will feel water flowing past your rectum into your colon on the left side. It will feel cool. This is why you have blankets and a heater available. You might feel some gurgling or cramping. If it gets too uncomfortable, stop the flow, remove the nozzle, and void. Then get back down and repeat the process. Keep adding water to your colon. After several minutes, roll over to your back. Kind of massage your abdomen. It will feel boggy. The water will start to flow across the top part of your large intestine. If you cramp, stop, get up and void, and come back. Start on your left side, roll over to your back, and finally roll over to your right side to start filling it. Your tummy will feel like a watermelon. When it feels full, get up and void.
When you're done, administer the implant. You do it the same way as the enema, except you're going to leave it in. This mix of healing goodies will be absorbed into your body through your abdominal wall.
More explicit directions can be found in the manual and on the dvds. This just gives you an idea.
So, three nights a week we'll be doing high enemas. I've chosen Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Let's add these to the schedule:
6:00 AM Rise and shine!
7:00 Make and drink liver/gallbladder or kidney/bladder flush
7:15 Morning quiet time, Bible study, prayer
7:45 2 cups liver tea with 2 droppers liver tonic OR 2 cups kidney tea with 2 droppers kidney tonic
8:00 Juice with cayenne, children make & eat breakfast, clean kitchen & shine sink
8:30 1 teaspoon Intestinal Formula #2 in 6-8
oz distilled water, 1 teaspoon activated charcoal in 6-8
oz distilled water, followed by 8
ounces distilled water
9:00 Make and drink Super Smoothie
10:00 Juice with 2 droppers blood tonic, on kidney week add 2 droppers Echinacea tincture
10:30 One cup BF&C tea
11:00 Juice with cayenne
11:30 1 teaspoon IF #2 in 6-8
oz distilled water, 1 teaspoon activated charcoal in 6-8 oz distilled water, followed by 8
ounces distilled water
12:00 Potassium Broth with cayenne and Himalayan salt, children make & eat lunch, clean kitchen & shine sink
1:00 Make and drink Super Smoothie
1:30 2 cups liver tea with 2 droppers liver tonic OR 2 cups kidney tea with 2 droppers kidney tonic
2:00 Juice with 2 droppers blood tonic, on kidney week add 2 droppers Echinacea tonic
2:30 1 teaspoon IF #2 in 6-8 oz distilled water, 1 teaspoon activated charcoal in 6-8 oz distilled water, followed by 8
ounces distilled water
3:00 Juice with cayenne
3:30 One cup of BF&C tea
4:00 Juice with cayenne
5:00 Super Smoothie, make dinner for the family
5:30 1 teaspoon IF #2 in 6-8 oz distilled water, 1 teaspoon activated charcoal in 6-8 oz distilled water, followed by 8 ounces distilled water
6:00 Potassium Broth with cayenne and Himalayan salt, however many capsules Intestinal Formula #1 you need, family dinner time
6:30 One cup BF&C tea, clean kitchen & shine sink
7:00 Juice with 2 droppers blood tonic,on kidney week add 2 droppers Echinacea tincture, make tomorrow's juice. Peel and add 8-12 large raw garlic cloves to the juice, any way you want.
7:30 2 cups liver tea with 2 droppers liver tonic OR 2 cups kidney tea with 2 droppers kidney tonic, continue
juicing :-) Clean juicer when done.
8:00 Juice with cayenne. Sunday and Wednesday night: make potassium broth to last three days.
8:30 1 teaspoon IF #2 in 6-8 oz distilled water, 1 teaspoon activated charcoal in 6-8 oz distilled water, followed by 8 ounces distilled water
9:00 Potassium Broth with cayenne and Himalayan salt. Prepare and administer a high enema with either an aloe vera or wheatgrass implant afterwards on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights.
10:00 Juice with 2 droppers blood tonic, on kidney week add 2 droppers Echinacea tincture. Make BF&C tea ball Monday-Friday nights and start BF&C hot herbal bath. Add one small bottle hydrogen peroxide to the bath water. Light aromatherapy candles. Grab Ipod or CD player with earphones. Enjoy a hot soak for 20-30 minutes. Release all the tensions of the day. :-) Make sure your shoulders ger covered and you soak your head for a bit.
11:00 PM Good night! Sleep well! You did a great job today!
Can you hear the Rocky theme starting? lol