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Did I mention...?
fledgling Views: 2,572
Published: 17 y
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Did I mention...?

Did I mention that I think whole, clean, mineral salts are most helpful because they have been selected and balanced through plants?

Mineral salts don't deteriorate over time, like vitamins and enzymes and other living things. So, even if the deposits of mineral salts were laid down by evaporating oceans, 250,000,000 years ago, the balance achieved by zillions of ocean plants is still there.

A very long time ago I read that plants are smart...they will only take up exactly what they need of each and every mineral available.

There are a powerful lot of minerals available in oceans...even back then...and we hadn't yet thought of mixing substances called chemicals, then dumping any wastes into oceans, as fast as we can.

Writing this stuff, I am reminding myself of what I have figured out, for me, so far.

My thinking always seems to come back to the simple, somehow. I figure that's good, otherwise I'd forget.



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