I began the scd diet 13 years ago for ulcerative colitis. When i discovered that i had candida that had internalized, my naturalpath put me on the anti candida diet. I have found that i can combine the two diets to enhance my life. I do not use honey as i am afraid of it. hee hee. I have been using zylitol which fights the candida bacteria and so helps in the whole general fight. I find that if i eat too much of the "good" carbs like fruit, sweet potato, or brown rice in one day or even over a couple of days, I get the itchy ears etc. Last year i had an outbreak that took me six weeks to get over. I have been developing recipes and adapting recipes for about 5 years that give you a normalcy to your eating. I have developed a few great pies and chocolate cake good enough for company. What a relief that has been. I must say though, because of the zylitol, one or two pieces a day are the limit. I even have a choc. candy which i make on occasion. this is for special times when you just have to have it. I do find though that my stress level is a trigger and so eating right is just half the battle, i am learning to relax inspite of my circumstances. right now i am researching commercial organic plain yogurt. let you know later what the results are. Coconut flour has been a God send. A little bit of it added to cakes and muffins soooo improves the texture. Coconut flour is a protein so it is okay and in small amounts it will thicken and bind better. Hope this helps. MB