Re: Some say...
The fact is that Humaworm ISN'T 'bad'. As cautious and concerned as I was (would you believe 1/4 capsule per dose on the first day?), after a week at full dose I was going around shaking my head and grinning..."Is this all that 'die-off' means?!"
'Die-off' isn't the herbals. It is the toxins you already have within you...and how quickly your body can get rid of them.
R.G., for example, has never felt 'die-off'. He has never had enough 'build-up' for that.
Right now, Humaworm, Inc. is trying, valiantly, to catch up 6,000 orders. That's just the number from the last of July to August 2nd.
There are NOT 6,000 posters and readers visiting this forum in any one week, or month.
So, where are the questioners from earlier two-week periods? ...Home, content. No sweat. THEIR parasite loads did NOT bother them, at least not enough for them to be concerned enough to come here.
That's the real story about Humaworm...those who are comfortable with it and its effects on their critters.
Still, R.G. tries very hard to hold everyone's hand, difficult case or simply a beginner. That's why he does the work he does...because we should all know the truth. He feels it is his calling to help...even though he gets a plateful of elephant once in a while.
Did you see the announcement at the top of this forum? 'Self-promotional messages allowed.'
When did he ever? When did he ever knock the competition...or even compare?
And, me? Why would I switch if I am content with a product?
I'll order and wait till it gets here...whatever they are able to ship, when.
If any 'emergency' arises, I'll do parasite-inhibiting foods, clean-up protocols, and immunity protection...there are lots of those around.
If a 'dire emergency' arises, I'll get the herbal product most like Humaworm I can find...and I'll yell so loud you can hear me from here.
It didn't hurt for me to wait 21 days for my first order, nor a similar time for my second, as eager as I was. I've already waited seven decades.
Humaworm is not a 'pill' as some advertisers tell us we need...stronger, quicker-acting, longer-lasting.
We live in the real world.