Treating my dog. Some protocol questions related to MMS and DMSO
Hi to everyone. Sorry for the long post. I've done tons of online reading, but still have some unanswered questions. So any help or advice, or relating ones personal or canine experience will be appreciated.
My Dog was recently diagnosed with cancer. It started as a lump in her paw, which in addition to becoming bigger, also spread into a mass near her stomach. We took her to a canine cancer specialist (non-homeopathic) and they said that the mass near her stomach had grown to such an extent that it had fractured a couple of bones. So in my search for a protocol, it was important to find one that did not cause any swelling.
The first vet said that it was more than likely either a squamous cell carcinoma, or a melanoma.
The specialist after taking a biopsy from the larger tumor near her stomach, said that it was inconclusive because the cancer cells came back dead. She said this can be common when extracting from a tumor so large.
Here is what I have her on so far.
Apricot Kernels.......5 kernels 3 times a day. (ground in a coffee grinder, via syringe plunger)
1/4 cup of Flax Oil mixed with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese (blended with some water.....she likes a thinner consistancy).......Used to be 2x a day, but found she'll eat the whole thing more consistantly if it's only once.
Essiac Tea......twice daily. Mainly to help clean the blood of (hopefully) any dead cancer cells.
Just started trying to hydrate her with 1 pint a day of spring water with a dab of Celtic
Sea Salt added, via Turkey Baster.
She's been on this protocol for more a less....3 weeks.
I really get the feeling that what I'm giving her is not strong enough and that I need to do something more.
I gave her
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement a few times, but haven't made it an everyday thing. For one, I'm constantly giving her things so I didn't want to make her too miserable.
So the next thing I was going to try was mixing the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement with DMSO. I ordered the DMSO 99 percent (Natures Gift) 70/30 solution.
I read somewhere that DMSO can be dangerous if not really pure, and that there is a big different between 99 percent pure and the 99.9 percent, seeing as how effectively it enters cells. Is this true or BS? What is the other 1 percent in the 99? Distilled water or possible impurities?
Also, how does one apply this topically to a dog? I really don't want to use my hands and then have any impurities on her skin, enter my blood stream. I hear that even using gloves, it can pick up the chemicals in the rubber and they can be delivered through the skin. So how to safely apply it?
Any advice on how much of this to give to my dog?
Has anyone reading this had any experience with the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement DMSO combination?
I've also heard that giving DMSO in conjunction with B17 makes the B17 more effective.
Anyone had any experience with this or any advice with giving the DMSO with the Apricot Kernels?
Thanks for reading!