17 y
Re: McCain's Choice of Sarah Palin
Denial ,denial denial! First of all, I said that there is no consensus in the
Science community ,unlike the lies the liberal media keeps feeding you sheople. You can look up what I'm talking about if you know how to use a computer. Or not, eating establishment weeds is easier! I'll bet you did'nt read one post in the Global Warming Scam forum that does not support your viewpoint. When are you libs gonna learn that all you have to do is look at what the main stream media is pushing and look in the other direction for the truth. I'll bet you do that with establishment medicine!
And yes I did think the the joke was funny but I dont think the left or Obama thinks its a joke. Watch Obamas buddy, Comrade Oprah and her mission in life to make women hate men! If you dont see that I can understand ,same as above.
And your accusation about McCain or anyone making his choice for VP as a way to get voters is inane! Thats what the game is all about.
McCains choice was a stroke of genius, all you have to do to know this is look around!
This choice has totally burst the Obama convention bubble! The net is alive with the buzz, and all I see from the democrats is sour crapes and dumbfounded gazes.
Obamas choice is so enlightening to most people, it completely exposes the lies his campaign is based on!