17 y
Obama bin Bungler...
When Sarah was announced for VP the first thing the Obamites did was attack her as the ex-mayor of a little hick town in the back woods of Alaska- so much for the politics of 'change". This is the same old politics of personal destruction. So no 'change' here at all.
Neither was the announcement of Biden for VP who is a long time Washington insider as corrupt as any politician ever was. He was forced out of his political race in the late nineties because he plagiarized speeches from a British politician. Obama has also plagiarized his speeches but since he is coddled by the media it is hard to learn of this.
Obama is a teleprompter puppet. He is spoon fed his thoughts which are all carefully packaged for public consumption. This is what an empty suit needs. They need to be fed-and explains why he is always stumbling and bumbling along when he needs to answer without his handlers feeding him his words.
At the convention acceptance speech Obama exhorted his adoring audience to be "their brother's keeper". This is very funny since Obama's own brother lives in a hut in Africa on a $1 a month income.
Sarah does not need a teleprompter and does not stumble along. Her delivery is radiant and clear and expressive. Why? because she is bright, fearless and articulate. People can see this. They are not stupid. Men and women like to see a strong person. Someone who is direct and has committment. This will attract many women that want to see a woman in a role of leadership and has nothing to do with their politics.
Of course the militant idiologue narcissists will not be swayed. But many other women are excited by this prospect-enough to make a difference. Why do I know this? because women are talking about this election. They are excited. They are animated. The political pundits will poo poo this. They don't get it.
Obama has shown he has no balls at all. If he had really wanted the presidency he could have easily won it! Hillary would have made him president in a landslide. But since he has no balls he threw his chance away. He does not know how to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goals. He was AFRAID of Hillary. Yes afraid. Women can see through this and so do others (including our enemies). Hillary had 18 million votes that would have been put into his hands. He is a bungler.