You would have to live in a cave to not know what is bearing down on the Gulf Coast. Gustav could very well be worse than Katrina. Please remember the people in New Orleans. It looks like this time they may get the direct hit. I just talked to someone who lost everything she had during Katrina and now she's back in Jackson with as much as she could bring. She knows her home will be gone once again. Why did she stay? Because it's the only home she's ever known. I passed an elderly Louisana couple yesterday in an old car packed with their worldly possessions. They were parked on the side of the road with a blowout. Luckily, many people had stopped to help them. My heart stopped thinking that could be my parents. Most people are headed as far north as Memphis to find a place to stay--a good 9 hour drive from New Orleans. Put yourself in their place. If you were told you had to leave your home and find a place to stay, you first would have to decide what to pack and what to leave behind knowing that what you leave behind may be gone forever. Then fill up your car and with gas prices the way they are, that's a big expense. Then try and find a motel and plan on staying there for several days. Another major expense. You have to add in the expense of meals, too. All of this is out of pocket expense, too.
Mississippi, Texas and Alabama will be impacted by Gustav.....millions of people. I know I will. I am trying to plan ahead as much as I can because I know we will be without power. I have 37 trees in my front and back yard and I am expecting to lose some of them.
So take a moment out of your day and say a prayer for everyone in Gustav's path. Waves right now are 46 feet, so imagine when this bad boy hits what impact it will have.