Ok... this is what I did! When I had Spontenious Awakening May '07, I sat down lite the candle and start praying every night in front of my computer desk! I asked God... "Father/Mother God, what is that I need to know???" "What is that I need to do???" Please help me or Guid me, I AM READY to receive!!!"
What I trully believe helped me is listening to channeling (mp3 file) from Kryon (Light Being from Universe) every day!!! Seriously, this is what truly helped me to process my sprituality and really connected with my Angels! Here is channeling sections of mp3 files... Look for channeling from start from 2006 and go from here. https://www.kryon.com/altindex.html
If you want further assiatance, here is my e-mail address... bunnyfawn@comcast.net