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Running with the Devil...
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Running with the Devil...

(below is a quote from the Rush Limbaugh radio show) He's talking about Obama bin Biden-the guy who supposebly has all this foreign affairs experience and who has less days in public office than Governor Sarah Palin-who never even vetted Hillary and totally disresepected her-AND-if Governor Palin is not qualified because of her lack of experience then neither is Obama bin Biden for the same reason. Duh!

“Now they're trying to destroy Stanley Kurtz of National Review magazine because Stanley Kurtz has been researching the papers in the Richard J. Daley library in Chicago that detail the business dealings of Obama and William Ayers. The attempt to destroy not just the career and the reputation of Stanley Kurtz occurred on radio last night, a local Chicago host who himself I'm told is a pretty nonpartisan guy, was stunned at the effort made by the Obama campaign to clog up the phone lines and thousands of people just calling to complain about Stanley Kurtz, mass e-mails, not saying one thing specifically in defense of Obama but rather trashing Kurtz for engaging in this kind of politics. It's right out of the Saul Alinsky book. It's right out of this book for radicals, and this is Obama. He doesn't want whatever is known about Ayers to become widely known. There's something there, there has to be, for this campaign to be ginned up this way.

Steve Gilbert, Sweetness & Light blog, points out the dedication by Saul Alinsky in his own book, Rules for Radicals. Now, we've discussed Saul Alinsky a lot over the recent past. He was one of Hillary Clinton's idols. She, too, by the way, from Chicago. But Alinsky's tactics have spread. I mean, Vladimir Putin uses Saul Alinsky's tactics. The difference between Vladimir Putin and Saul Alinsky is too small to be measured.

And I know you're not going to believe this. You're not gonna believe that a woman who almost became the presidential nominee of the Democrat Party holds Saul Alinsky as one of her idols, one of her role models. You're not going to believe this when you hear me read to you his dedication to the book. You are not going to believe that Obama has signed onto this hook, line, and sinker. Rules for Radicals is the title of the book, A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals, by Saul Alinsky. He's no longer alive, but his work lives on.

Here is Saul Alinsky's dedication to his own book: "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer." Saul Alinsky dedicated the book that Barack Obama has learned from to the devil, to Satan”.


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