Re: My Dogs itching/allergy problem plz help
I do not know about heavy guns but I can
recommend using coconut oil. My little brown
dog gets a skin infection it seems once or
twice a year swimming in the creek etc.
I used to take her to the vet and get shots
and creams to treat it. Now, I just mix a
couple of drops of pure oregano oil in some
coconut oil and massage all the inflamed
areas. For the past two years this treatment
has been effective and going to the vet has
not been necessary. Its a reasonably cost
effective fix and if you read about the
healing property of coconut oil, you can see
where it might help your pomeranian~!
Here is a post which details some of the
benefits of coconut oil. Its not just for
humans~! You can also drizzle a small amount
on your pet's food.
best wishes,