17 y
I do want to be your friend. My commitment to you was to put the American friends I know in Jordan in contact with you so you could get some IRL help. It is difficult to do anything other than give and share information on Curezone. I did contact the manager of the business office in Amman where my friends worked, and a member of the staff told me he was on vacation back in the States. Later, if I understand right, you said one of my friends emailed you saying she would try to get you some meds or something from the States. I thought, "good, they connected, my work is done." So it sounds like somebody dropped the ball somewhere. I can certainly recontact my friends in Jordan and see if I can find out where they are in the process, if that is what you would like me to do.
Yes, sweetie, you DO need some real help. You are doing everything you possibly can just to stay alive. It is so frustrating because you have SO many barriers to overcome. You are a very strong woman, even though you don't feel like it.
I AM praying for you. Mo. I haven't forgotten you at all. I am a woman of my word. I see I need to do a better job of following up. Please feel free to email me privately.