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archus Views: 1,195
Published: 17 y
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Hi Lulu:

I am feeling great today, no hunger pangs, no knee problems. I had to walk a lot to different places today. I also had to go thru' two food courts, of course thru' greasy smells, but it did not do anything to me. I did get attracted to looking at some displayed foods. I said to my self ahh! I could have that salad or fruit etc. but walked away. It felt great. I also did not drink water for 3 hours.

Bad news is the cyst on my left kidney has become harder again. I am hoping to do Castor oil poultices tonight on that area. Although in the past it has not helped me.

I will do short fasts now and then. Funny thing is, I was brought up with fasting and colon cleanse on regular basis, but now I don't practice that. Well, I have done quite a few cleanses in past 6 years.

I am glad that I passed that stage of getting hungry. I was shocked today that I had so much energy to walk and much faster than all around me.

Thank you for the encouragement.



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