Re: Liver flush
I did the
Hulda Clark flush, you can find information about that on this site. Prior to a flush, I usually take malic acid for 3-4 days to pre-soften the stones, though you could just eat a bunch of apples or drink apple juice if you can handle the sugar. The day of the flush it's important not to eat any fat, and I don't follow the protocol strictly, since I continue to drink water up until maybe 2 hours before I drink the mixture, and I push the whole thing forward a few hours because I'm a night person. I also often skip the last epsom drink, since it sometimes feels like overkill, and I use about 3 parts grapefruit to 1 part lemon juice in the olive oil mixture. If I get too hungry from skipping dinner, I'll drink a little apple or cherry juice. To help with nausea after drinking the oil mixture, I use peppermint oil under my nose and on my ears (a great trick, helps a lot), and put a warm water bottle over my liver when I lay down after drinking the stuff. Plan to give yourself the next day off, since you'll spend a lot of it in the bathroom. My first flush was pretty modest, but I saw enough "balls" of waxy bile to motivate me to do another, and then another and another. About flush #3 I got pretty sick for a little while in the middle of the night, but that was the most productive flush ever - a bowful of green sludge and many, many stones, some of them quite large. I didn't fit the profile for a person with a gallbladder problem, either. Goes to show ya.....