MMS = sodium chlorite. It's supposed to be a strong oxidizer, so I'll be stopping the iodine until I finish with it. There's a forum here at Cure Zone about it. The MMS is an acronym for Miracle Mineral Solution. When in the blood stream it picks up electrons when it comes across any cell below a pH of 7, oxidizing them leaving the healthy cells alone. Parasites and fungi are supposed to be below pH of 7, so also would be attacked. Some people have had success with this for some cancers, too.
I'm going to guinea pig myself on this and see if it addresses my health issues that the doctors can't explain; maybe it'll help my sister who has worse and much longer health issues than I've had. Main problem people have had with this is nausea and diarrhea, from increasing the dosage too fast for the body to eliminate the toxins. I plan on being good and increasing properly. I'll let you know if it does me any good. I'll be your guinea pig!
My motto is "Pigs fly!" Anything can happen. Maybe this guinea pig will fly, too.