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Published: 17 y


This post was just asked at the MH forum but I am hoping posting here will make for more advice!


Ever since my fruitarian adventures I have experienced problems with my teeth. One almost entirely rotted and broke away months ago, and now, I am suffering the same problem with a tooth on the other side of my mouth (the side I have been eating with for months due to problems with the first tooth) which has broken away in the middle and I can now see blackness inside.

Obviously I need to go to the dentist, as I fear that the tooth rotting away may infect other teeth, but I am very cautious and I must admit a little anxious about dentists in general.

What would you suggest I do MH? Is it best to remove the rotten teeth completely or can they be saved somehow? I know you advise against X-rays, but how is it possible to clean-up your mouth without having X-rays taken?

Also, if fillings can help save the teeth, is plastic the best choice? (Metal is obviously not an option.)

Hopefully you or someone else can help me!


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