How does one explain why many people don't pass stones at all during a LF? Or pass all kinds of parasites, toxins and sludge, feeling 50 x better after it gets out? I honestly don't care if the "stones" that come out aren't really stones. The fact is, LFing has ALOT of benefits, wether real or fake "stones" are being passed.
I was just as skeptical as many of you are until I tried to flush myself. As a matter of fact, I did my first flush just 2 nights ago, and let me tell you. I feel like a new woman. I'm only 21 years old but before the flush, I felt like I was 40+. I didn't pass any visible "stones", but I am confident in stating that I have passed months or even a year's worth of toxins and other things that I wouldn't want inside of me.