Re: 1 in 3 Americans lacks fluoridated water
Not enough, we must make sure all teeth are protected by the use of Fluoride ASAP...Der Fuehrer...
Please disregard anything these unpaid health professionals have to say, soon we will buy them out as well...we own the printing press...
1,700+ Health Professionals Call for End to Fluoridation
The Fluoride Action Network continues its ongoing effort to solicit the support of professionals from the medical, scientific, and environmental communities. Over the past year, over 1,750 professionals -- including a Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine, 3 panelists who wrote the groundbreaking National Research Council review "Fluoride in Drinking Water," 3 scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency's Headquarters Union, and hundreds of doctors, dentists, and researchers -- have signed FAN's Professionals' Statement Calling for an End to Water Fluoridation. To help raise more awareness about this movement, and to help get additional signers, FAN has released a professional quality flyer containing the text of the full Statement. The flyer should prove a useful tool to enable local groups to demonstrate that there are solid science-based arguments against fluoridation. To download a copy, click here.