Has anybody experience curing MS with Urine Therapy?
Hi everybody,
Since about 3 weeks I am doing UT, after I found this booklet on the internet by Dr. Thakkur:
I am also on a
healthy Diet (paleo).
Right now I'm not fasting, as recommended, but drink about 6 cups per day.
Also I do massages and enema every day.
I have MS, it is hard to get a confirmed diagnosis, but all three tests were positive. MRI, spinal tap, Visual Evoked Potentials.
Even though I heard from a TCM Doctor that all those test can also be positive for another reason.
Well, according to the booklet it is not so important what You have, Urine can heal it! especially if You go on a Water/Urine Fasting.
Anyway, what I wanted to ask here is:
Does anybody in this forum have personal experience with healing MS with Urine; or heard of anybody who did it.
And what form of treatment did You do?
Thanks for Your comments,