Re: How to use free form amino acids properly; some real clues to their use in mental illness and addiction
I wish I knew how to take these things. I'm testng GABA which does nothing. Tyrosine, does nothing, dhpl, does nothing. The only thing that works is L-tryptophan, but your not suppsed to take it during the day? WTF? If I take 1000mg at night, I seem to get brain zaps. I'm on no other meds except klonazepam, .5mg which I only take 1/2 of in a panic. I usually take about 1/2 of a .5mg in a day as I'm usually panicky in the car.
So this morning I took b complex and about 800mg l-tryptophan. I felt great for like 3 hours. Then around noon time, it comes back. So what am I to do during the day?
The way up dot com recommends up to 6000mg at night. But I get all weird if I go past 1000mg.
I wish there was a doctor that could help me. I'm broke, live in MA. Theres nothing around here except medical guessers who want you on zoloft. 37 years of pain. If I had no wife, no kids, I would be gone, In a second. I've *****NG HAD IT.