Hey there!
I've been advised that it's preferrable not to drink your urine when
a) It's too dark [I like it when it's translucent, like water]
b) When it tastes too acidic/burning/salty
You can get those pH strips to check! FROM WHAT I UNDERSTAND, it's always okay to drink your urine, but I believe it has a better effect when it's more alkaline.
By the way, you don't have to throw out the urine that's too dark or too acidic.. you can save it for a bath later, or message it onto your skin straight up!
Urine therapy is JUST TOO EASY on a raw food diet [:)))))!!!!] When I juice pineapples, that's what the urine smells like.. I know people who say that the urine tastes just like what they eat - mango to mangoes, coconut water to coconut.. you know. <3