Re: Healing the wounds or having surgery? Don't forget the Vitamin C!
Hello Zohan
the type of Vitamin C?
There has been a lot of adverse publicity against the manufactured form of most nutrients from China, including Vitamin C, but I use Magnesium Ascorbate in the granulated form, which is manufactured in Europe and which is of a pharmaceutical grade.
Of course it is nigh on impossible to receive adequate ascorbate from ones diet, so supplementation has really become a necessity.
You may feel ill after taking low grade vitamins or any supplements that are not manufactured to a high standard, so shopping around and purchasing from a reliable & recommended source is essential.
By foodstate vitamins I suppose you mean vitamins found only in their natural state within fruits and vegetables, but I would have to disagree with you there.
I suggest you read a copy of "ASCORBATE: THE
Science OF VITAMIN C" by Dr Steve Hickey & Dr Hilary Robert's for a more accurate and contemporary update about synthetic ascorbate, which cured his sister of eisenmenger syndrome with up to 24,000mg of synthetic ascorbate per day.