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Re: Cancer case reports of benefit from vitamin C
patientadvocate Views: 5,144
Published: 17 y
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Re: Cancer case reports of benefit from vitamin C

You are talking to a nurse who has participated and/or witnessed these actual infusions for different forms of cancer.

I have reviewed much of the research done on infusions. To this date, out of the actual infusions I have witnessed, there has been over 70% success rate,...I do mean "over."

My Father had three separate malignancies. Two of them resolved per xrays and visual exams. Two out of three incurable cancers were cured.

Still, his oncologist, who witnessed this, claims the vitamn c had no affect on cancer as the third malignancy resisted treatement. Hell, two out of three was way better than he did for goodness sake.

Many of the practitioners performing infusions report 70% response. My personal experience is actually higher percentage. I do not wish to go against national average but,...I have witnessed possitive outcomes to say the least.

I do not discourage traditional treatments as I am a licensed nurse and care about my license. I do promote complimentary medicine, and since the AMA allows cancer centers to use oxygen therapies, (photodynamic therapy,) I feel safe in encouraging broader participation in oxygen therapies.

Alkalization, in my opinion, is an oxygen therapy.

About the research done on vitamin c therapy, I can tell you I have noticed the AMA and many affiliates mis-stating results from the orignial Tokeo trials. I have observed the AMA apparently sabotaging vitamin c experiments and then again mis-stating their significance.

For example: Tokeo trials used thirty thousand miligrams of ascorbate on cancer patients who were all very late, stage IV stomach cancer. Some patients were days away from dying and unresponsive.

The infusions were done after chemo and radiation and not in conjuction or prior to. The infusions were not augmented with other therapies. So, when I.V. ascorbate failed to treat, (stomach cancer only,) the conclusion that the AMA drew was that:

Vitamin c was ineffective against all cancers.

How bold and grotesque a leap can one make?

This isn't a very scientific way to summarize a study. They should have reported that vitamin c infusions were not helpful in later stage IV stomach cancer at 30,000 mg dose for infusions.

To come out and so hastily, prematurely claim that vitamin c can't help any cancer wreaks of lost objectivity and is an obvious break from scientific process.

They also tried to replicate a Pauling experiment for cold viruses and still botched the experiment. They did not use same dosing amounts and did not administer vitamin c throughout the duration of cold as Pauling did.

Still they reported a 30% reduction of symptoms in spite of the dosage bungling. Even though there was 30% reduction of symptoms they still called results as not relevant.

Needless to say I was disgusted when I saw these huge deviations from scientific procedure. So today, I don't have much faith in any study being performed by AMA affiliates with respect to this therapy.

THey also had said many, many other things that were to discredit all infusions of ascorbate, many of which have be proven incorrect today. sO, why were these claims made in the fist place?

I will say this:

Vitamin c infusions are being performed by licensed M.D.'s all over the country and in every state!


Cancer digests healthy tissues. It then hi-jacks these nutrients.

Vitamin c has been reported to break down readily in water. These bi-products actually bind to and then neutralize two key enzymes that destroy tissue.

Also, vitamin c is precursor to interferon, it also supports oxidative phosphorylation which prevents acid production and CO2 production. It also plays a role in actual cell devision and tissue repair. It also donates electrons to cytoplams and this neutralizes H+ ions, reducing acidity.

Vitamin c also is an antioxidant which cancer cells have no homeostatic mechanism to control and causes a buildup of peroxides and peroxidase inside cancer cells.
These studies can be found all over the web.

Today, vitamin c infusions involve ever more complex adjuncts. B12 injections, other antioxidants, selenium, alpha lipoid acid, and more.

The dosages are now going to 100,000 mg. Which is huge increase in dosing.

Still, the AMA boldly cites the Tokeo study as proof of something, if much of anything.

Heck, penicillen will fail against strep infections if the infection is allowed to progress to nearly fatal stages.

I personally witnessed a brain tumor lysis syndrome after less than a week of infusions at lower dosages. I still have a hard time accepting what I witnessed because it went against everything I have been taught in medicine. This brain tumor lysis is what prompted me to perform infusions on my own Father.

So, don't be surprised if you run into a former cancer patient one day, who sought out complimentary medicine and won his un-winable battle.

It is happening every day, to prove this point, just look at the historic and wonderful decline in cancer deaths. These are huge declines in a statistic that never ever had any declines.

Ask three different doctors why the decline, ask what cancer was cured or what new treatment made this happen.

You will get three different answers.

Smiling big:
Bret Peirce, author of the "Unified Theory of Disease."



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