Sylvia Browne and Jesus
Hi All!
I'm not an avid fan of hers, neither do I dislike (hate) her.
She comes across as a very practical person.
A lot of her advice is very down to earth, nothing mystical about it.
Her books advise good works, helping others etc.
My main complaint is that she keeps messing with the image I have of Jesus.
He had a twin brother. Is that metaphorical, like a twin soul?
From her normally frank stance I think not.
When Herod killed all those children born within the time frame
of when the star of Bethlehem appeared, I figured it was to single Jesus
out. To ensure, in God's plan, that no one else was influenced by
this astronomical phenomenon. (Kinda like there could only be one Elvis.)
Now she's claiming He has a twin!
He was married to Mary Madeline. I wonder who performed the ceremony?
Don't know what Sylvia, or should I say Francine, says about their children.
(Of course they had a least one child or there'd be no Devinci code.)
Does it make any sense at all for Jesus to take on a wife and child/children
if He was just going to leave them by dying on the cross?
(What would be His motive? To establish a super race? Like Hitler?
Or a more fleshly motive like having sex?)
Oh yeah, Sylvia claims Jesus didn't die on the cross.
That he was drugged. Fell into a coma-like stupor and was later revived.
She points out how soon He passed, how none of his bones were broken.
She fails to mention the spear in His side, the water mixed with blood,
a sign of suffocation. Even if He wasn't dead yet a punctured lung
would have finished Him off.
Who revived Him? His disciples of course! And even though they were
in on the hoax, they willingly died for the lie.
I ask, Would you?
So I'm coming to believe that Sylvia's job, or mission/outreach is for those
people who don't read the bible, or have had it crammed down their throat
to the point where they reject Him. If she can reach those who don't believe
that Jesus is the only begotten son of God, she's not doing harm.
What are your thoughts about this?