I've been accused of being a pessimist here..
It's unlikely that there's going to be a "cure" any time soon. It's the very nature of the virus that it goes into hiding in the infected nerve cells and is hidden from the immune system since the virus is really a segment of DNA that incorporates itself into the cell and hijacks the cell's mechanisms to replicate itself. More info on that at
Now, the relatively good news is that there's work ongoing to develop vaccines that, while they don't remove the viral DNA, are intended to supercharge the immune system to keep the virus under control. To date there aren't any hugely successful vaccines, but there's ongoing work toward them. For more information about research visit
and take a look at the "Herpes News" forum there.
I see that you are new to herpes. My advice is to not put any aspect of your life on hold waiting for some miracle cure. Once you get past the initial shock of knowing, it should eventually become no more than an occasional irritation. It's not the end of the world, nor is it the end of life, love, sex, or anything of the sort.
Speaking of "Miracle Cures", be careful of a lot of the "stuff" you see advertised on the Internet. A lot of it is junk. Red flags are it being touted as a "cure" and having testimonials rather than peer reviewed studies of its effectiveness and safety. If it sounds too good to be true... it is.