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You people must be taking the piss!!!
mooney Views: 1,413
Published: 20 y

You people must be taking the piss!!!

Well I have just got back from Tunisia were I continued to take the piss even though I have had the worst diet I have had in a long time, lots of alcohol, wheat, which I haven't eaten for nearly a year and chips which I haven't eaten for a long time. In fact I have had a week of debauchery. Unbelievable... for the first time in years I felt no pain from eating wheat and drinking beer. I still have bad digestion and bloated stomach but no pain. So I am going back to a sticking to a more alkaline diet and see if I can get even more improvement.

The most amazing thing is that I took the book 'Your own Amazing Medicine' to read whilst I was away and one night I got bitten by mosquitoes. I have always suffered with bad mosquito bits, they swell up and I have had to take Antibiotics in the past because I have had such a bad reaction. Also I am like the mosquito repellent for other people in the room if I am there no one else get bitten, as they just seem to feast on me. Anyway we were by the sea front this night and I got what I late counted as 5 bites. I could see the bites swelling in front of me, when I got back to the hotel, I placed a UT compress on to both my feet (as adviced in the book) and left it there for at lest an hour. Amazingly the next morning the swelling was almost gone and all that could be seen were small red marks.

Even if this doesn't cure me, I now realise that it is powerful stuff and it is there for thing like bites if I ever need it to be in the future.

Once again thanks everyone, will keep you up dated.

PS Still awful to taste first thing in the morning or any time for that matter. Getting easier though, the first gulp is the hardest, as they say. Any improvement makes it worth it!

Keep taking the piss... Moonie


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